
Product Description Benefits Application
Voramer MR 1099 Liquid MDI/TDI binder Long open time for large applications in hot, humid climate Running tracks
Voramer MR 1105 Liquid MDI binder Spring/fall dry climate Pour-in-place playground
Voramer MR 1108 Liquid MDI binder Slow binder for summer/dry climate Pour-in-place playground
Voramer MR 1134 Liquid MDI binder Long open time Cylinder applications
Voramer MR 1136 Liquid MDI binder Spring/fall dry climate Pour-in-place playground
Voramer MR 1140 Liquid MDI binder Long open time Cylinder applications
Voramer MR 1141 Liquid MDI binder Short open time/fast demold Tiles and molded parts
Voramer MR 1146 Liquid MDI binder Fast binder for winter climate Pour-in-place playground
Voramer MR 1165 Liquid MDI binder Slow binder for summer climate Pour-in-place playground
Voramer MR 1201 Liquid MDI binder Long open time Cylinder applications
Voramer MR 1202 Liquid MDI binder Short open time/fast demold Tiles and molded parts